HomePhone Info App
Phone Info App
Phone Info App

Phone Info App

Product Description

Description: This aia file made in makeroid or kodular and we can create a mobile info app or phone info app with this aia file. The app has a simple splash screen with dynamic loading arrangement. The app shows the full info of our mobile. The App shows the following Information:

  • Brand Name
  • Android Version
  • API Version
  • Model Name
  • Hardware

Also, The app detects the following Sensors:

  • Fingerprint sensor
  • Gyroscope sensor
  • Light sensor
  • Location sensor
  • Gravity sensor
  • Temperature sensor
  • Screen Orientation sensor
  • Accelerometer sensor

The app has reload button if any information change and also have the simple exit button. By studying this app we can create such app in app inventor, Thunkable and Appybuilder

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